Your Story Here.


The Writers Read Podcast, hosted by founder Ed McCann, presents three stories drawn from our themed Live Shows and adds a segment we call “Between the Lines” — short personal meditations about any and all aspects of the writing life from those who live it.


Writers Read presents regular live events in The Loft at City Winery from which we produce our podcasts. Not everyone is a writer, but everyone can be part of our podcasts with their applause! Sign up for our newsletter and come see us at City Winery.


Writers Read is interested in short personal essays on specific topics to be read aloud. Review our open submission topics for one that inspires you; we welcome original stories, though you’re free to adapt earlier work as well. We promote the work, you retain the rights.


“It's not stand-up, and it's not therapy; it's legitimate literary work, given voice by the writer.” —Annabel Monaghan • columnist, essayist, and author of Nora Goes Off Script

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