Remember These?

Every paper I wrote in high school and college was birthed on a manual typewriter that I lugged around for years (along with a supply of carbon paper and Wite-Out). I recently came across this post from Jesse Gaynor on LitHub, the brief video she shared put a big smile on my face: "Need a break from writing?” Gaynor asked. “Or some cinematic inspiration to begin writing? Or, just really like typewriters? Then perhaps I can interest you in two minutes, four seconds of typewriters on screen, set to Leroy Anderson’s irrepressibly jaunty “The Typewriter.”

The supercut, courtesy of Ariel Avissar, features shots from ZodiacStranger Than FictionCitizen Kane, and (of course) The Shining, among others.


A Civil War Over Semicolons


Chutzpah Tuesday